AQUA-GAPS/Monet: Global monitoring of POPs in the waters of the World

BY Rainer Lohmann|
|Article view (WeChat): 5248

Prof. Rainer Lohmann

Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, USA

Director of the URI-led Superfund Research Program Center on the Sources, Transport, Exposure and Effects of PFAS (STEEP)

AbstractOrganic contaminants, in particular persistent organic pollutants (POPs), adversely affect water quality and aquatic food webs across the globe. So far, there were no globally consistent information available on concentrations of dissolved POPs in the waters of the world. AQUA-GAPS was hence initiated to establish a global monitoring program for various dissolved organic pollutants using passive samplers. During the initial AQUA-GAPS/Monet deployments, both low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and silicone SPSS samplers were co-deployed at all sites. For target polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), there was generally a higher incidence of detection in the SPSS than in LDPE. Focusing on SPSS samplers only, hence, results were available for 46 sampling sites, with 10 locations having from 2 to 4 sampler deployments between late 2016 and mid-2019. Contrasting trends were observed for PCBs versus OCPS. Concentrations of PCBs were, by and large, reflective of past usage, implying limited transport away from source regions. For several groups of OCPs, including hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dieldrin, and chlordanes, evidence of cold condensation with elevated concentrations in the Arctic region was observed. The presence of breakdown products of endosulfan and DDT seemed to mostly indicate recent usage in the mid latitudes. These first results from AQUA-GAPS show the promise of using passive samplers to discern trends of legacy and emerging organic contaminants on a global scale.

HostProf. Cheng Gu

            Executive Editor

            Nanjing University

Time09:00pm May 9, 2022 (Beijing time)

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