Urban PAH Exposure: Evidence-Based Approach to Assess Health Risks

BY Audil Rashid|
|Article view (WeChat): 1506

Prof. Audil Rashid

University of Gujrat, Pakistan

AbstractThe urban area in Rawalpindi city of Pakistan was investigated for PAH exposure related to diesel emission. People living and working along roads with dense traffic (Faizabad, Shamsabad, and Saddar areas) were compared with those in sub-urban areas for health outcomes. Data from hospital records as well as through a questionnaire-based survey was collected about exposure estimates, work environment, disease history, socio-demographic aspects and health risk type. Five times higher PM concentration around roads and highways was noted. Bus stops where people wait in queues have a 10-time higher PM10 concentration than urban ambient air. The observed population (all adult age) had numerous exposure durations ranging from 4 to 12 h/day. The Chi-square test revealed that ‘age’ and ‘occupation’ have significant but ‘gender’ has inconsistent relation with respiratory symptoms. Logistic regression analysis showed ‘shortness of breath’ (β= 2.62; OR=13.8; 95% CI = 3.63–52.41) has highest risk factor followed by ‘eye redness’ (β= 1.14; OR=3.1; 95% CI =1.55–6.30) among exposed population. We also found that people living in neighborhoods with dense traffic and higher diesel/PAH exposure had a high prevalence of respiratory infections (OR=3.15, 95% CI=1.18–7.66), whereas occupational groups along roadsides attributed substantial development of asthma (OR=4.02, 95% CI=1.59–9.61). Response of people towards exposure prevention, such as the use of masks, was substantially low, whereas their expectation for local government was very high to control smoke emission from public transport. To prevent human PAH exposure, urban governance action by initiating strict action against smoke emitting vehicles is needed.

HostDr. Nan Lin

            Early Career Board Member of EEH

            Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Time09:00pm May 16, 2022 (Beijing time)

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